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Course Objective


This course focuses on the histoy of the Maryville, Illnois. It is designed to connect students understanding of the past  to present.  Throughout the course there will be refrences to Maryville's current state and its past connection, making history more relevant. Historical locations around the town will beviewed in the current state along with there historical importanceThe course presentes the local history of Maryville through an online museum styled experience. Objects, photographs, and archival documents in the museums collection will be integrated within the learning and will be available for viewing at the Maryville Heritage Museum.   After the course students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of Maryville history through the Applied Learning Folder, with a series of questions, and discussions on Maryville History. Also if the student has visited the town or knows history of the town not covered they have a chance to write down their own experiance and history in Applied Learning. This will ensure that the history of Maryville stays current and avaliable to the people.

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